Advanced Warning

I thought I'd give everyone an advanced warning and let you know that due to problems with my internet and lack of material, I will not be updating all that often. When I do update, I will most likely either be posting only one chapter or multiple chapters at a time. Thank you for putting up with my rather dismal progress.

November 26, 2008

A New Life- Chapter 3

(This story is the property of obsessed-fangirls-forever.)
I don't own Stargate Atlantis or the Wraith.

Last time....

Shaking herself from her stunned stupor, Weir moved to take her seat, the others following close behind. Once everyone was seated a rather uncomfortable silence fell upon them, except for John and Rodney, again.

Finding herself the recipient of an annoyed glare that quite clearly said 'start talkin', she cleared her throat to gain the attention of the rooms other occupants. Once their attention was focused on her she did indeed 'start talkin'.

Chapter 3- Introductions

"I'm sure you are all aware by now as to why we are holding this rather sudden meeting. Over an hour ago McKay reported a strange energy spike coming from one of the uninhabited parts of the city. When the spike had ended there were three un-identified life forms left behind. Sergeant Bates and his men went to check the area and returned with these three." Weir made a rather jerky motion towards the woman and her birds.

It was at that moment that Shepperd and Mckay seemed to notice her presence. Both men let some rather undignified noises of surprise and began to stare in a rather dazed manner. Weir cleared her throat once again and was pleased to note their rather chagrined looks. Clearing her throat once again she continued her little speech.

"I've gathered you all here to help determine whether or not our 'guests' will be a threat to our expedition." finishing her rather short briefing on the situation she and the others focused their attention on the rooms rather interesting additions. It was at that moment that Mckay seemed to notice the two birds flanking the woman's form, because he proceeded to hyperventilate through his nose and not so subtly move away from the table.

The young woman seemed to find his reaction amusing and began to lightly chuckle at his expense.

Marie didn't know whether to laugh or roll her eyes at Weirs pathetic speech. Though she had to admit it was funny to watch McKay trying to get as far away from her birds as possible while trying not to panic. Turning her attention towards said birds she made a little cooing sound at them and watched as they abandoned the paper they'd been playing with and waddled towards her instead. She almost broke out in giggles when she saw the way everyone tensed as if expecting them to attack her. She visibly shook her head at their ignorance, knowing her babies would never hurt her. Turning back to her pets she reached out started scratching her owl Raze on his chest. Pench, attention hound that he is, head butted her feeling left out. In response she began to lightly stroke the feathers on his head making him 'purr' in delight. It was at this point that Sheppard decided to open his big mouth and let out what was, in her opinion, one of the stupidest statements ever.

"You know those things are dangerous right?" he said in his usual cocky way, grinning in what he probably thought was a 'charming' way.

Resisting the urge to roll her eye's Marie answered in a voice cold enough to send a chill down any one's spine.

"I am well aware of their species, and therefore aggressive nature's 'sir'. And seeing as how I have had them since before they hatched, I believe I am familiar enough with them to be safely out of danger. They may be predators, but even they won't harm the one they consider their mother." she then focused her attention on Dr. Weir while continuing to stroke her babies.

"Now then, I believe you are all wondering who I am and what I'm doing here, correct?" at their hesitant nods she continued. "Well as for who I am, my name is Marie Alexandria Fitzgerald. As for what I'm doing in Atlantis, I have absolutely no idea. I don't even know how I got here."

The silence that followed her statement was uncomfortable and she was starting to get really annoyed. Just as she was about to start chewing them out Beckette worked up the courage to ask her a question.

"Well if ye don't know how ye got here could ye at least tell us where ye were before ye woke up in Atlantis?" he asked hesitantly, his Scottish accent calming to her frazzled nerves.

Turning towards the medical officer Marie softened her gaze and tone of voice. Beckette had always been one of her favorite characters. He reminded her of her uncle who died almost seven years ago.

"I was at home watching reruns of my favorite tv show when I fell asleep on the couch. The next I knew I was on the floor with a head ache the size of Miami surrounded by soldiers who were laughing at my expense."

While she sounded particularly irritated about the soldiers, her tone of voice was decidedly less cool and much softer than when she had been talking to the Colonel, and Beckette relaxed knowing that she wasn't going to snap at him. The others were confused at the abrupt attitude change and didn't quite know what to make of it. Feeling more confidant than before Beckette continued questioning the strange girl.

"Can ye think of anything that could related to yer sudden appearance here lass? And do ye think ye could tell us were yer from as well?" he asked kindly.

"Well I live in small house in Salem, Oregon. And yes Sheppard that is in North America. The only thing that I can think of that's related to my being here is a little to far fetched to be believed. Hell I don't even believe it, though it would make a great plot for a fanfiction story." she told them.

"And what would that be?" inquired Weir.

Arching her brow at the woman's sudden contribution to the conversation, Marie snorted in amusement.

"It just so happens that the tv show I was watching when I fell asleep was called Stargate Atlantis." she told them in calm voice.

It took almost a full minute for them to process what she had just said. Then all hell broke loose.

Me: Few!!! Three chapters in two day's! That's gotta be some kinda record!

McKay: Yeah right.

Me: Shut it Meredith.

McKay: I told you not to call me that!(bitch)

Me: No more coffee for you.

McKay: (whimpers)I'll be good, I promise!

Me: You better be. Well see ya every one. I gotta work on the next chappie now.

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