Advanced Warning

I thought I'd give everyone an advanced warning and let you know that due to problems with my internet and lack of material, I will not be updating all that often. When I do update, I will most likely either be posting only one chapter or multiple chapters at a time. Thank you for putting up with my rather dismal progress.

November 26, 2008

A New Life-Chapter 1

(This story is the property of obsessed-fangirls-forever.)
I don't own Stargate Atlantis or the wraith.

Ch. 1- Interesting Events
Last Time...

'Things just got interesting.' Medarion thought, grinning the whole time.

Things just got interesting indeed...
"Uh...", Marie groaned, holding her head as she slowly sat up.

'That's the last time I have leftover Chinese before bed.' she thought to herself.

The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was her hawk Pench. Looking past him she saw her owl Raze preening himself. Taking a minute to get her bearings and gather enough energy to stand up Marie looked around and finally noticed that she wasn't on her couch, or even in her own house.

In fact, the room she was in looked like one of the sets from Stargate Atlantis.

Shaking her head to clear the fog from her vision she took a closer look.

'Yep.' she thought. 'I'm hallucinating.'

Because not only did she appear to be in a room that looked it was on Atlantis, but there seemed to be a bunch of soldiers surrounding her, and one of them looked a lot like Sergeant Bates from the show.

"This is to weird." She muttered to herself. Moving so she could stand Marie froze as the soldiers trained their guns on her and her birds.

Sergeant Bates did a double take when he entered the room occupied by the three life forms.

One of them appeared to be a young woman, maybe twenty years old, but that wasn't what shocked him. What shocked him was the other two life forms appeared to be two giant birds.

One of them was sitting on the woman's stomach and the other was on the floor preening itself, neither paid any attention to them. Bates started a little when he heard the woman groan. He signaled his men to surround her while she struggled to sit up. She looked at the two birds first, assessing their condition before looking at her surroundings. Her eyes widened a fraction before she closed them and shook her head. Opening her eyes again she regarded Bates and his men with a look of disbelief. Her reaction reminded Bates of his own when he walked into the room.

He heard her mutter something under her breath before trying to stand up. He and his men trained their guns on her instantly and she froze half way to her knees. As if sensing something amiss the two birds took up defensive stances next to her. The Woman scanned them with her eyes, taking in the situation before looking directly at Sergeant Bates.

"Umm... I come in peace?"
I'm soooo sorry I took so long to update! I had a massive brain fart and it's been really hectic around here lately. I promise I'll try to update more often!

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