Advanced Warning

I thought I'd give everyone an advanced warning and let you know that due to problems with my internet and lack of material, I will not be updating all that often. When I do update, I will most likely either be posting only one chapter or multiple chapters at a time. Thank you for putting up with my rather dismal progress.

November 26, 2008

A New Life- Chapter 2

(This story is the property of obsessed-fangirls-forever.)
I don't own Stargate Atlantis or the Wraith.
Last time....

"Umm....I come in peace?"
Chapter 2

Several of the men had to forcibly hold in their laughter. Looking at them reprovingly Sergeant Bates turned his attention back to the woman and her birds. He was amused at the disgruntled look on her face.

"Glad to see someone finds this amusing, cause I sure as hell don't." she muttered loud enough for every one to hear.

The soldiers immediately stopped laughing and actually managed to look mollified in the face of her ire.(hell hath no wrath like a woman on pms.)

Shaking his head in exasperation Bates waved his gun at the woman in a motion for her to stand. She understood and moved to stand slowly with her hands in plain sight the entire time. Nodding in approval he motioned for his men to form up around her and follow him back to the conference room.


About twenty minutes later Marie was sitting in a comfortable chair in an exact replica of the Atlantis conference room from the show. Her birds, Pench and Raze, were sitting on the table amusing themselves with some papers that had been left behind by a scientist who had beat a hasty retreat at the sight of the two large, vicious looking, birds of prey.

Spinning around in her chair Marie wondered for the twentieth time if this was someones sick idea of a joke, cause if it was she sooo did not find it funny. Honestly, who want's to wake up in an exact replica of the Ancient city with a headache the size of a T-rex's ass? Not her, that's for sure.(hehe. T-rex's ass.)

She was currently contemplating all the possible ways to slowly kill who ever did this to her when she heard the familiar voices of Sheppard and McKay arguing.(When are those two not arguing? Seriously?)

Turning around to face the door she wasn't even surprised when Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Dr. Carson Beckette, Teyla Emagen, Ronon Dex, and the afore mentioned Colonel and head scientist walked into the room. Honestly, who ever planned this couldn't have come up with something a little more original? She wasn't, after all, 'just' a Stargate Atlantis fan. She was an obsessed mega-fan. She'd researched the entire show and all it's characters. She knew more about Wraith physiology and technology than Beckette and McKay could ever hope to learn. She could draw a detailed schematic of Atlantis from memory alone. She knew the complete history, medical included, of every relevant member of the expedition, and could recite in exact order every mission they'd gone on, and the names of all the planets they'd been to, as well as the ones they hadn't. And because she was also a fan of Stargate SG-1, she knew just as much about the Go'ould, Replicators, Ori, and Asgaurd, as well as team SG-1. Nothing about these people could shock her. She just knew too much about them.

But who ever set this up obviously didn't know this. Otherwise they wouldn't have attempted to pull such a pathetically weak joke on her. At least she hoped it was a joke. Cause if this was real, she was so screwed. She had absolutely no idea how she was going get out of this if it turned out she really had some how ended up in an alternate universe where the show was actually real. But until she figured it out it would probably be best to act as if were all some stupid, sick, pathetic joke. Her sanity was a hell of a lot safer that way.

Coming out of her thoughts she realized that the other people in the room had been staring at her with some sort of sick fascination for about two minutes. Luckily she'd learned to deal with those kinds of stares a long time ago and and didn't even twitch. She did, however, arch her right eyebrow in a kind of amused annoyance. She knew she was odd looking with her part German, part French, and part Scottish features as well as a rather interesting taste in clothing, but that was no reason to treat her like a bug under a microscope.

They seemed to get the idea and stopped staring at her long enough to take their respective seats around the table. Once every one was seated the staring began again. Though McKay and Sheppard were still arguing just as heatedly as they were when they walked in.

Getting annoyed Marie gave Weir a rather pointed look that said quite clearly, 'start talkin'.

Taking the hint Dr. Weir cleared her throat in order to get every one's attention. Once they were all looking at her she did indeed 'start talkin'.


Elizabeth Weir was, for once in her life, at a total loss for words. And that was not a good thing. Words were her weapon of choice and she wielded them well. She had out talked more government officials that anyone else she knew, and she was damned proud of it. But no amount of experience or advanced warning could have prepared her for the sight that greeted her when she walked through the conference room door.

Sitting comfortably in one of the chairs, almost as if she belonged there, was one of the most intimidating people she'd ever seen. And that was saying allot in a galaxy full of life sucking aliens.

The woman before her didn't look to be much older then twenty and had a very 'fit' and obviously tall form. Her face with it's narrow eyebrows(the left on had two piercings), aristocratic nose, high cheek bones, sensuously full lips, and slightly pointed chin, was accentuated with a light dusting of blush, black lipstick, and a deep purple eyeshadow that brought out the ice in her light blue eye's. She had deep reddish/black hair with blond streaks that complemented her rather pale skin tone and was pulled almost severally from her face into a tight braid that was hanging over one of her shoulders.

She wore a black leather jacket with 'allot' of spikes over a small black shirt that hugged her generous, but not too generous, bust and showed of her lean stomach and skull shaped belly ring. She also wore a pair of black cargo pants decorated with chains and straps held up around her thin waist by a studded black belt, with heavy black combat boots that were probably knee high. For jewelry she had at least three piercings in each perfectly rounded ear, consisting of a pair of black crosses, silver hoops, and chain that hung from the second hole and ran all the way to third near the tops of her ears. Around her neck she had a black ribbon choker with what appeared to be a ruby in the center of it, and a silver ankh necklace that almost reached the bottom of her shirt. On her hands and wrists were a pair of black fingerless gloves and a matching pair of spiked bracelets, as well as a thick silver ring on her middle right finger. On her nails she had a deep 'blood' red nail polish.

All together she was very intimidating. She had a body and face most women would kill for and eye's that clearly said 'Don't Fuck With Me'. And to make it worse, on on the table behind her, positioned so there was one visible on each side of her chair, were to 'very' large, 'very' intimidating birds of prey. One she recognized as a great horned owl, though far darker in color than the ones she'd seen before, and the other she could only assume was some sort of large hawk. Oh yes, she was definitely speechless, and not in a good way.

The others, excluding John and Rodney who were still arguing, seemed to be in similar states of shock.

Apparently fed up up with their staring the young woman, who's she had yet to learn, arched her right brow in apparent amusement, yet with obvious annoyance written clearly in her hypnotic gaze.

Shaking herself from her stunned stupor, Weir moved to take her seat, the others following close behind. Once everyone was seated a rather uncomfortable silence fell upon them, except for John and Rodney, again.

Finding herself the recipient of an annoyed glare that quite clearly said 'start talkin', she cleared her throat to gain the attention of rooms other occupants. Once their attention was focused on her she did indeed 'start talkin'.

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