Advanced Warning

I thought I'd give everyone an advanced warning and let you know that due to problems with my internet and lack of material, I will not be updating all that often. When I do update, I will most likely either be posting only one chapter or multiple chapters at a time. Thank you for putting up with my rather dismal progress.

February 10, 2009

My Yaoi Story- Chapter Two

(This story is the property of LucifersCousin)
I deny any and all rights to the characters of Inuyasha. They are the sole property of Rumiko Takahashi and this story is merely something I came up with to pass the time. The only thing I own is my imagination and Kagome's cousin Akira, who is a product of my over heated brain. Thank you.
Last time......

Inuyasha instinctively drew back from the enraged human. His instincts were telling him that this human was fully capable of doing what he said, and that terrified him. It also irritated him that a mere human was capable of actually hurting him. Getting up the hanyou humans an irritated ‘feh’ and headed towards the village.

Shaking her head at Inuyasha’s antics Kagome grabbed her cousin’s hand and began leading him towards the village. She couldn’t wait to see the others reactions when they saw him.
They were unaware of the being watching them from the surrounding trees.

Chapter 2

Sesshomaru was furious.

He'd been tracking Naraku for almost two days, but the scent had up and disappeared at the edge of Inuyasha's Forest. The only thing he could smell now were the natural scents of the forest and the half-breed. Inuyasha's scent trails were everywhere. Some old, some new, they ran back and forth, side to side, up and down. He couldn't breathe without scenting his half-brother and it was giving him a head ache. To make it worse, he had to listen to that annoying toad thing (a.k.a. Jaken) that followed him around complain nonstop. He wished he could just kill the worthless parasite, but if he did then he'd have no one to watch over Rin when he was away. Sesshomaru really needed to kill something.

He decided to hunt down Inuyasha. He had long ago given up on wielding the tetsaiga, but that didn't mean he couldn't continue to try to rid the world of the worthless mutt. Besides, Inuyasha might actually have some useful information concerning Naraku. If not, well, fighting Inuyasha had always proved to be an effective way to release his pent up rage. If nothing else he could pay Inuyasha back for the arm he'd cut off two years ago. It had finally grown back, but his pride had yet to recover from the blow. Yes, a fight with his half-brother would definitely help to improve his mood.

Mind made up, Sesshomaru located the freshest scent trail and began following it. The toad thingy, realizing his lord was leaving, grabbed Ah-Un's reins and ran to catch up. Rin was asleep on the two headed dragons back, unaware of the toad’s distress. None of them were expecting the surprise fate had in store for them.

Reaching the outskirts of the village Kagome grew increasingly nervous. She had no idea how the rest of the group would react to their newest addition, and didn’t dare guess how Akira would react when meeting them. Her cousin wasn’t exactly known for his tolerance levels. He could be the most patient person in the world, but put him in the same room as someone he found irritating and he might as well be a hormonal demon. Akira didn’t like stupid people. Sango he might like. The demon slayer was loyal, intelligent, kind, and Kagome saw her as an older sister. That last part alone would earn her brownie points in her cousin’s eyes. Miroku was another issue all together. The monk was perverted, occasionally dense, and forever looking for a good time. But he was also kind and wise. She knew without a doubt that Akira would like Shippo. The eccentric metal worker had a soft spot for small children that was surprising in a man with his temperament.

While Kagome had been fretting they had reached Kaede’s hut. Kagome stopped and turned to face Akira. Her cousin raised a brow in a questioning manner. Taking a deep breath Kagome prayed for divine interference should her cousin take offence to anything she said.

“Look, I know my mom asked you to keep an eye on me and protect me from danger and all that, but these people are my friends and I don’t want them to get hurt. I don’t really care if you beat up Inuyasha since he’ll bounce right back up anyway, but I would really appreciate it if you would try to be somewhat civil with the others. They don’t know that I have a cousin, and they’re already gonna be pretty shocked. I don’t think they need to experience your brand of violence just yet. Okay?” Kagome was amazed she managed to say all that and only get a glare in return. Though it was a pretty scary glare.

Kagome stared at her cousin expectantly, not letting him enter the hut until she was assured his good behavior. Giving in with an exasperated sigh Akira nodded his agreement reluctantly. Satisfied Kagome turned and entered the hut. The group was sitting around the fire talking when the two entered and looked up at the sound of footsteps. They smiled at Kagome while staring at her ‘companion’ curiously.

‘So far, so good.’ Kagome thought. ‘Now, how to keep him from killing Miroku?’
LC- Sorry this chappy is so short. My inspiration took a brief trip down black hole lane.

Akira- Why am I not surprised?

Inu- Because the guy is a procrastinating moron.

Akira- That was a rhetorical question.

Inu- Waz that?

Akira- Never mind.

LC- I’ll try really hard to bring the next chapter to up to more than like 600 words. Ja Ne!

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