Advanced Warning

I thought I'd give everyone an advanced warning and let you know that due to problems with my internet and lack of material, I will not be updating all that often. When I do update, I will most likely either be posting only one chapter or multiple chapters at a time. Thank you for putting up with my rather dismal progress.

November 26, 2008

A New Life- Chapter 3

(This story is the property of obsessed-fangirls-forever.)
I don't own Stargate Atlantis or the Wraith.

Last time....

Shaking herself from her stunned stupor, Weir moved to take her seat, the others following close behind. Once everyone was seated a rather uncomfortable silence fell upon them, except for John and Rodney, again.

Finding herself the recipient of an annoyed glare that quite clearly said 'start talkin', she cleared her throat to gain the attention of the rooms other occupants. Once their attention was focused on her she did indeed 'start talkin'.

Chapter 3- Introductions

"I'm sure you are all aware by now as to why we are holding this rather sudden meeting. Over an hour ago McKay reported a strange energy spike coming from one of the uninhabited parts of the city. When the spike had ended there were three un-identified life forms left behind. Sergeant Bates and his men went to check the area and returned with these three." Weir made a rather jerky motion towards the woman and her birds.

It was at that moment that Shepperd and Mckay seemed to notice her presence. Both men let some rather undignified noises of surprise and began to stare in a rather dazed manner. Weir cleared her throat once again and was pleased to note their rather chagrined looks. Clearing her throat once again she continued her little speech.

"I've gathered you all here to help determine whether or not our 'guests' will be a threat to our expedition." finishing her rather short briefing on the situation she and the others focused their attention on the rooms rather interesting additions. It was at that moment that Mckay seemed to notice the two birds flanking the woman's form, because he proceeded to hyperventilate through his nose and not so subtly move away from the table.

The young woman seemed to find his reaction amusing and began to lightly chuckle at his expense.

Marie didn't know whether to laugh or roll her eyes at Weirs pathetic speech. Though she had to admit it was funny to watch McKay trying to get as far away from her birds as possible while trying not to panic. Turning her attention towards said birds she made a little cooing sound at them and watched as they abandoned the paper they'd been playing with and waddled towards her instead. She almost broke out in giggles when she saw the way everyone tensed as if expecting them to attack her. She visibly shook her head at their ignorance, knowing her babies would never hurt her. Turning back to her pets she reached out started scratching her owl Raze on his chest. Pench, attention hound that he is, head butted her feeling left out. In response she began to lightly stroke the feathers on his head making him 'purr' in delight. It was at this point that Sheppard decided to open his big mouth and let out what was, in her opinion, one of the stupidest statements ever.

"You know those things are dangerous right?" he said in his usual cocky way, grinning in what he probably thought was a 'charming' way.

Resisting the urge to roll her eye's Marie answered in a voice cold enough to send a chill down any one's spine.

"I am well aware of their species, and therefore aggressive nature's 'sir'. And seeing as how I have had them since before they hatched, I believe I am familiar enough with them to be safely out of danger. They may be predators, but even they won't harm the one they consider their mother." she then focused her attention on Dr. Weir while continuing to stroke her babies.

"Now then, I believe you are all wondering who I am and what I'm doing here, correct?" at their hesitant nods she continued. "Well as for who I am, my name is Marie Alexandria Fitzgerald. As for what I'm doing in Atlantis, I have absolutely no idea. I don't even know how I got here."

The silence that followed her statement was uncomfortable and she was starting to get really annoyed. Just as she was about to start chewing them out Beckette worked up the courage to ask her a question.

"Well if ye don't know how ye got here could ye at least tell us where ye were before ye woke up in Atlantis?" he asked hesitantly, his Scottish accent calming to her frazzled nerves.

Turning towards the medical officer Marie softened her gaze and tone of voice. Beckette had always been one of her favorite characters. He reminded her of her uncle who died almost seven years ago.

"I was at home watching reruns of my favorite tv show when I fell asleep on the couch. The next I knew I was on the floor with a head ache the size of Miami surrounded by soldiers who were laughing at my expense."

While she sounded particularly irritated about the soldiers, her tone of voice was decidedly less cool and much softer than when she had been talking to the Colonel, and Beckette relaxed knowing that she wasn't going to snap at him. The others were confused at the abrupt attitude change and didn't quite know what to make of it. Feeling more confidant than before Beckette continued questioning the strange girl.

"Can ye think of anything that could related to yer sudden appearance here lass? And do ye think ye could tell us were yer from as well?" he asked kindly.

"Well I live in small house in Salem, Oregon. And yes Sheppard that is in North America. The only thing that I can think of that's related to my being here is a little to far fetched to be believed. Hell I don't even believe it, though it would make a great plot for a fanfiction story." she told them.

"And what would that be?" inquired Weir.

Arching her brow at the woman's sudden contribution to the conversation, Marie snorted in amusement.

"It just so happens that the tv show I was watching when I fell asleep was called Stargate Atlantis." she told them in calm voice.

It took almost a full minute for them to process what she had just said. Then all hell broke loose.

Me: Few!!! Three chapters in two day's! That's gotta be some kinda record!

McKay: Yeah right.

Me: Shut it Meredith.

McKay: I told you not to call me that!(bitch)

Me: No more coffee for you.

McKay: (whimpers)I'll be good, I promise!

Me: You better be. Well see ya every one. I gotta work on the next chappie now.

A New Life- Chapter 2

(This story is the property of obsessed-fangirls-forever.)
I don't own Stargate Atlantis or the Wraith.
Last time....

"Umm....I come in peace?"
Chapter 2

Several of the men had to forcibly hold in their laughter. Looking at them reprovingly Sergeant Bates turned his attention back to the woman and her birds. He was amused at the disgruntled look on her face.

"Glad to see someone finds this amusing, cause I sure as hell don't." she muttered loud enough for every one to hear.

The soldiers immediately stopped laughing and actually managed to look mollified in the face of her ire.(hell hath no wrath like a woman on pms.)

Shaking his head in exasperation Bates waved his gun at the woman in a motion for her to stand. She understood and moved to stand slowly with her hands in plain sight the entire time. Nodding in approval he motioned for his men to form up around her and follow him back to the conference room.


About twenty minutes later Marie was sitting in a comfortable chair in an exact replica of the Atlantis conference room from the show. Her birds, Pench and Raze, were sitting on the table amusing themselves with some papers that had been left behind by a scientist who had beat a hasty retreat at the sight of the two large, vicious looking, birds of prey.

Spinning around in her chair Marie wondered for the twentieth time if this was someones sick idea of a joke, cause if it was she sooo did not find it funny. Honestly, who want's to wake up in an exact replica of the Ancient city with a headache the size of a T-rex's ass? Not her, that's for sure.(hehe. T-rex's ass.)

She was currently contemplating all the possible ways to slowly kill who ever did this to her when she heard the familiar voices of Sheppard and McKay arguing.(When are those two not arguing? Seriously?)

Turning around to face the door she wasn't even surprised when Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Dr. Carson Beckette, Teyla Emagen, Ronon Dex, and the afore mentioned Colonel and head scientist walked into the room. Honestly, who ever planned this couldn't have come up with something a little more original? She wasn't, after all, 'just' a Stargate Atlantis fan. She was an obsessed mega-fan. She'd researched the entire show and all it's characters. She knew more about Wraith physiology and technology than Beckette and McKay could ever hope to learn. She could draw a detailed schematic of Atlantis from memory alone. She knew the complete history, medical included, of every relevant member of the expedition, and could recite in exact order every mission they'd gone on, and the names of all the planets they'd been to, as well as the ones they hadn't. And because she was also a fan of Stargate SG-1, she knew just as much about the Go'ould, Replicators, Ori, and Asgaurd, as well as team SG-1. Nothing about these people could shock her. She just knew too much about them.

But who ever set this up obviously didn't know this. Otherwise they wouldn't have attempted to pull such a pathetically weak joke on her. At least she hoped it was a joke. Cause if this was real, she was so screwed. She had absolutely no idea how she was going get out of this if it turned out she really had some how ended up in an alternate universe where the show was actually real. But until she figured it out it would probably be best to act as if were all some stupid, sick, pathetic joke. Her sanity was a hell of a lot safer that way.

Coming out of her thoughts she realized that the other people in the room had been staring at her with some sort of sick fascination for about two minutes. Luckily she'd learned to deal with those kinds of stares a long time ago and and didn't even twitch. She did, however, arch her right eyebrow in a kind of amused annoyance. She knew she was odd looking with her part German, part French, and part Scottish features as well as a rather interesting taste in clothing, but that was no reason to treat her like a bug under a microscope.

They seemed to get the idea and stopped staring at her long enough to take their respective seats around the table. Once every one was seated the staring began again. Though McKay and Sheppard were still arguing just as heatedly as they were when they walked in.

Getting annoyed Marie gave Weir a rather pointed look that said quite clearly, 'start talkin'.

Taking the hint Dr. Weir cleared her throat in order to get every one's attention. Once they were all looking at her she did indeed 'start talkin'.


Elizabeth Weir was, for once in her life, at a total loss for words. And that was not a good thing. Words were her weapon of choice and she wielded them well. She had out talked more government officials that anyone else she knew, and she was damned proud of it. But no amount of experience or advanced warning could have prepared her for the sight that greeted her when she walked through the conference room door.

Sitting comfortably in one of the chairs, almost as if she belonged there, was one of the most intimidating people she'd ever seen. And that was saying allot in a galaxy full of life sucking aliens.

The woman before her didn't look to be much older then twenty and had a very 'fit' and obviously tall form. Her face with it's narrow eyebrows(the left on had two piercings), aristocratic nose, high cheek bones, sensuously full lips, and slightly pointed chin, was accentuated with a light dusting of blush, black lipstick, and a deep purple eyeshadow that brought out the ice in her light blue eye's. She had deep reddish/black hair with blond streaks that complemented her rather pale skin tone and was pulled almost severally from her face into a tight braid that was hanging over one of her shoulders.

She wore a black leather jacket with 'allot' of spikes over a small black shirt that hugged her generous, but not too generous, bust and showed of her lean stomach and skull shaped belly ring. She also wore a pair of black cargo pants decorated with chains and straps held up around her thin waist by a studded black belt, with heavy black combat boots that were probably knee high. For jewelry she had at least three piercings in each perfectly rounded ear, consisting of a pair of black crosses, silver hoops, and chain that hung from the second hole and ran all the way to third near the tops of her ears. Around her neck she had a black ribbon choker with what appeared to be a ruby in the center of it, and a silver ankh necklace that almost reached the bottom of her shirt. On her hands and wrists were a pair of black fingerless gloves and a matching pair of spiked bracelets, as well as a thick silver ring on her middle right finger. On her nails she had a deep 'blood' red nail polish.

All together she was very intimidating. She had a body and face most women would kill for and eye's that clearly said 'Don't Fuck With Me'. And to make it worse, on on the table behind her, positioned so there was one visible on each side of her chair, were to 'very' large, 'very' intimidating birds of prey. One she recognized as a great horned owl, though far darker in color than the ones she'd seen before, and the other she could only assume was some sort of large hawk. Oh yes, she was definitely speechless, and not in a good way.

The others, excluding John and Rodney who were still arguing, seemed to be in similar states of shock.

Apparently fed up up with their staring the young woman, who's she had yet to learn, arched her right brow in apparent amusement, yet with obvious annoyance written clearly in her hypnotic gaze.

Shaking herself from her stunned stupor, Weir moved to take her seat, the others following close behind. Once everyone was seated a rather uncomfortable silence fell upon them, except for John and Rodney, again.

Finding herself the recipient of an annoyed glare that quite clearly said 'start talkin', she cleared her throat to gain the attention of rooms other occupants. Once their attention was focused on her she did indeed 'start talkin'.

A New Life-Chapter 1

(This story is the property of obsessed-fangirls-forever.)
I don't own Stargate Atlantis or the wraith.

Ch. 1- Interesting Events
Last Time...

'Things just got interesting.' Medarion thought, grinning the whole time.

Things just got interesting indeed...
"Uh...", Marie groaned, holding her head as she slowly sat up.

'That's the last time I have leftover Chinese before bed.' she thought to herself.

The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was her hawk Pench. Looking past him she saw her owl Raze preening himself. Taking a minute to get her bearings and gather enough energy to stand up Marie looked around and finally noticed that she wasn't on her couch, or even in her own house.

In fact, the room she was in looked like one of the sets from Stargate Atlantis.

Shaking her head to clear the fog from her vision she took a closer look.

'Yep.' she thought. 'I'm hallucinating.'

Because not only did she appear to be in a room that looked it was on Atlantis, but there seemed to be a bunch of soldiers surrounding her, and one of them looked a lot like Sergeant Bates from the show.

"This is to weird." She muttered to herself. Moving so she could stand Marie froze as the soldiers trained their guns on her and her birds.

Sergeant Bates did a double take when he entered the room occupied by the three life forms.

One of them appeared to be a young woman, maybe twenty years old, but that wasn't what shocked him. What shocked him was the other two life forms appeared to be two giant birds.

One of them was sitting on the woman's stomach and the other was on the floor preening itself, neither paid any attention to them. Bates started a little when he heard the woman groan. He signaled his men to surround her while she struggled to sit up. She looked at the two birds first, assessing their condition before looking at her surroundings. Her eyes widened a fraction before she closed them and shook her head. Opening her eyes again she regarded Bates and his men with a look of disbelief. Her reaction reminded Bates of his own when he walked into the room.

He heard her mutter something under her breath before trying to stand up. He and his men trained their guns on her instantly and she froze half way to her knees. As if sensing something amiss the two birds took up defensive stances next to her. The Woman scanned them with her eyes, taking in the situation before looking directly at Sergeant Bates.

"Umm... I come in peace?"
I'm soooo sorry I took so long to update! I had a massive brain fart and it's been really hectic around here lately. I promise I'll try to update more often!

A New Life- Prologue

(This story is the property of obsessed-fangirls-forever.)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stargate Atlantis, or the Wraith.



Planet Earth, Salem, Oregon

Marie was enjoying a quiet night at home. She’d just broken up with her latest pathetic excuse for a boyfriend and was prepared to kick back and welcome depression.

Marie sighed dejectedly as she thought the past couple of months. In the last six months she’d lost her family in a plane crash, had to prove she was capable of taking care of herself to the child services court, and had at least four relationships go sour. Her life was currently going from bad to worse.

Getting up off the couch she made her way towards the kitchen to heat up some left over Chinese for dinner. Grabbing a soda while waiting for the microwave to finish she replayed her thought about her latest break up and what had led to it.

Jason Crawly was a decent enough guy and fairly popular around school. He was a member of the football team, photography club, and had been one of her closest friends. Their relationship had started in a fairly romantic way. With him coming to her house, bouquet of roses in hand, asking her out to the movies. It had been going so well that she was unprepared when he announced that he didn’t want to see her again in the middle of school. Depressed and angry she’d walked right up to him and landed a solid right hook on his jaw, effectively breaking it and getting suspended for fighting.

Hearing the microwave ding she grabbed her food and went back into the living room. Sitting down she turned on the tv and got ready to watch stargate atlantis reruns. Suddenly Marie heard loud banging sounds coming from the front door. Getting back up she went to the door, knowing full well who it was. Just as she suspected there was a large black hawk with white highlights and a great horned owl sitting on her doorstop.

Giggling at the picture the two birds made she moved to the side so they could come in.

“Come on you two.” She said, “We don’t want the neighbors to get suspicious, now do we?”

The birds cocked their heads in unison at her and walked through the doorway. Getting on the back of the couch they settled down to watch their master.

Shaking her head at the two Marie closed the door and sat back down and resumed watching her favorite tv show.

A few hours later the tv was still on and Marie had fallen asleep. Suddenly the room was filled with a bright light. Startled the two large birds latched onto their master a mere moment before the light died, leaving the room completely empty.


In the Pegasus Galaxy, planet unknown

“Has he responded to any of our interrogation methods Sergeant?”

“No. And as far as we can tell he’s resisting the effects of his hunger.” Sergeant Bates told Dr. Weir.

The two stood in front of a monitor watching the live footage from the holding cell. The captive wraith was sitting in the same position he’d been in five hours ago, completely unresponsive to Colonel Sheppard’s questions and threats. Sighing, Dr. Weir went to her desk to finish some more paper work. Bates was just about o leave her office when Rodney came bursting in. His face was red and he was babbling incoherently while waving his arms around in a deranged manner. Raising her eyebrow at the distraught scientist in front of her Dr. Weir gave another internal sigh.

“What seems to be the problem McKay?” she asked the over excited man.

Taking a deep breath McKay waited a moment to compose himself, and for dramatic effect, before speaking.

“Just moments ago there was a large energy burst in one of the uninhabited part of the city. When the flare died down the city detected three stationary and unclassified life forms, though we’re fairly sure one is human. So far they haven’t moved, but we don’t know whether or not their dangerous.” He told the ancient city’s current leader.

Taking a moment to process what Rodney had just told her, Elizabeth stared at him in confusion before taking action. Standing up she turned to look at Sergeant Bates who had stayed to listen to what the scientist had to say.

“Sergeant. I want you to assemble a team and go investigate this anomaly. If the life forms are hostile then don’t hesitate to shoot them. If they are friendly then I want them brought to the briefing room for interrogation. Understood?”

“Yes ma’am.” He replied. Saluting her briefly the Sergeant went to assemble his team.

Meanwhile, down in the city’s lower levels a certain wraith raised his head in confusion, as if puzzled by something. Then as if understanding something important he grinned. Seeing said wraith grin John Sheppard shivered, not liking the look in his eyes.

‘Things just got interesting.’ Medarion thought, grinning the whole time.

Things just got interesting indeed…


I hope you like it. Took me ‘forever’ to type it! Please review!