Advanced Warning

I thought I'd give everyone an advanced warning and let you know that due to problems with my internet and lack of material, I will not be updating all that often. When I do update, I will most likely either be posting only one chapter or multiple chapters at a time. Thank you for putting up with my rather dismal progress.

June 18, 2009

Unexpected Love

Chapter One

“Stupid Inuyasha. Why does he always have to get me so worked up?” Kagome muttered under her breath.

Sighing she sank farther into the hot spring letting the heat relax her aching muscles. As usual she and Inuyasha had gotten into another fight over Kikyo. She didn’t really mind that he was seeing her but it was just so frustrating. The group was constantly left open to attack every time he snuck off to see his dead bitch. She didn’t really dislike Kikyo, if one overlooked the fact that she’d tried to kill Kagome numerous times. It just hurt that Inuyasha would pick someone who’d been dead for over fifty years over her.

“Sometimes I wonder how I could have ever loved him. He’s so childish.”

Climbing out of the spring Kagome remembered the exact moment her love for Inuyasha died.


They’d been traveling all day and were just setting up camp when Kagome sensed two jewel shards coming their way.

‘Just great. He’s the last person I want to see right now, aside from Naraku.’ Kagome thought, mentally groaning.

The only warning she got was a growl from Inuyasha before she was trapped by two strong arms and pulled into an armor-covered chest.

“Kagome!” an eager and overenthusiastic wolf demon yelled.

“Hello Kouga. Nice to see you again.” Kagome said while trying to wiggle out of his arms.

“Well I have to check on my woman, now don’t I? I can’t trust mutt face to protect you afterall.” Kouga said, tightening his hold on Kagome even more.

“Shut up ya mangy wolf! I can protect Kagome just fine and she ain’t yer woman!” Inuyasha yelled. Stalking over to Kouga he attempted pry Kagome free and landed on his ass instead as Kouga sent him flying.
Sighing Kagome managed to get out of Kouga’s arms and went over to help Inuyasha off the ground.

“Stupid wolf! What was that for?” Inuyasha growled.

“As if I have to tell you mutt face.” Kouga sneered.

“Why you….” Inuyasha drew Tetsaiga preparing to attack Kouga when everyone heard a shrill ‘Sit!’ stopping Inuyasha midleap.

Smirking down into the hanyou shaped crater Miroku asked an irate Inuyasha, ”When are you going to learn to think before you act Inuyasha?”

“Shut up monk and mind yer own business!” came the hanyou’s reply as he crawled out of his hole. “Wench what was that for?”

“You know very well what that was for Inuyasha. Kouga’s our ally and if we’re going to defeat Naraku we need his help.” Kagome stated, inwardly fuming at having been called wench.

“I don’t care!” Inuyasha yelled. “I’m not gonna put up with that mangy wolf and his claiming you as his woman!”

“It’s not as if you care for her Inu-baka.” Kouga sneered. Walking up to Inuyasha he got directly in his face as he said, “After all, if what I’ve heard is accurate, then you’ve only got eyes for that dead wench Kikyo. Or are you saying that you didn’t make a promise to mark her as your mate when Naraku’s defeated?”

Kouga’s words had an amazing effect on the Inu-tachi. Sango was shocked speechless, Miroku was puzzled, and Shippo was completely lost as he stared at each adult in confusion. He centered his gaze on Inuyasha who’d gone completely white as he stared at Kagome who had a stricken look on her face.

“Inuyasha…how could you?” Kagome said, tears forming in her eyes.

“Kagome I…I didn’t….didn’t mean…I’m…I’m sorry.” Inuyasha stuttered. Looking down guiltily he waited for Kagome’s response.

Hearing Inuyasha’s apology quickly turned Kagome’s shock to anger. “Sorry?! You’re SORRY?!” she screamed. “I follow you around for two years, devote my time to finding the shards, love you and all you can say is SORRY?! Sit, sit, sit!!!”

Inuyasha went face first into the ground, and for once he wasn’t complaining.

End Flashback

She’d eventually gotten over her anger, but it still hurt to know that he loved Kikyo and not her.

Sighing again Kagome started heading toward camp when she felt a powerful, and familiar, aura headed her way. Drawing an arrow Kagome cocked her bow and aimed it in the direction the aura was coming from.
“Miko, you would do well to not point your weapon at This Sesshomaru.” A cold voice said from the trees. Stepping into the clearing Sesshomaru revealed himself in all his icy glory. Being six feet tall with long silver hair, amber eyes, and odd facial markings, he was a sight to make most girls go into cardiac arrest. Kagome however, had gotten over his looks long ago. After all, the guy had tried to kill her and the others numerous times, all for a stupid sword.

“What do want Sesshomaru?” Kagome asked in an equally cold tone.

“You will address This Sesshomaru accordingly miko or I will not hesitate to end your life.” He said, completely ignoring her question.

“I will address you as I please ‘Sesshomaru’ since you have not earned my respect nor do you have any authority over me. Now answer my question before I decide shooting you is indeed worth my life.” Kagome replied in a tone that could have frozen the sun.

Chapter 2

Sesshomaru was amazed. The miko dared to stand up to him when she knew that he could end her life before she could blink. Apparently Inuyasha had not broken the girl’s spirit when he chose the dead woman over her. However he would not tolerate such insolence, and were it not for his need of her power she would most likely have died long ago. Ignoring the arrow aimed at his head he approached his half brothers wench, intent on showing her who was in control here.

“You miko, are a constant annoyance and This Sesshomaru is debating on whether to end your life or simply torture you until you submit. However, This Sesshomaru has need of your powers and can do neither.” Sesshomaru said, stopping about a foot away from the wench.

“And why, pray tell, is that?” she asked with more than a touch of acid in her voice.

Sesshomaru simply stood there, contemplating whether or not he should tell her. If she knew what it was he wanted her to do she might very well refuse. He had, after all, tried to kill her many times. Deciding it was in his best interest to keep the task he wanted her to do secret he decided to answer her question as cryptically as possible.

“There is matter of great importance in which This Sesshomaru requires your assistance.” He stated.

“You can forget it Sesshomaru. You’ve tried to kill me to many times for me to trust you.”

Keeping his annoyance carefully masked Sesshomaru quickly decided that taunting her might get her to agree to his request.

“I see. So you are afraid that I will hurt you.”

“I am not afraid, I simply do not trust you. Besides Inuyasha wouldn’t li-“

“So you are afraid of upsetting the hanyou. How pitiful.” Sesshomaru scoffed, hoping she would take the bait. He was not disappointed.


“Shut up! I am not pitiful! I don’t care what Inuyasha thinks! I can do whatever I want! I AM NOT KIKYO!” Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs, satisfied when she saw him flinch at the sound.

“Then why do you refuse to assist me? If you are not afraid and care not what the hanyou thinks, what is stopping you? Do you really think I’d kill someone who helped me?” Sesshomaru inquired, eyebrow raised for effect.

Kagome took a moment to consider Sesshomaru’s words. It was true that he never went back on his word and he hadn’t tried to kill any of them recently, had even helped them on several occasions. She was also slightly ashamed to admit that he had saved her more times than Inuyasha ever had. Making her decision Kagome looked up at Sesshomaru.

“I’ll help you on one condition Sesshomaru.” She said, her voice confident and resigned at the same time.

“And what exactly is this condition of yours?” he inquired, slightly apprehensive.

Gathering her courage Kagome said the one thing Sesshomaru had been hoping to avoid. “You have to tell me why you need my help. If you don’t tell me then no deal. And I assume that you’re trying to avoid telling me because you’re afraid I’ll decide to not help you, right?”

Mentally cursing the girl’s powers of deduction Sesshomaru took his time forming a reply.

“You are sorely mistaken if you think This Sesshomaru is afraid of anything wench.” He said in his usually haughty way. “Though I will admit that I am concerned with how you will view the task I am asking you to undertake.” He quickly amended when she made as if to leave.

“If you don’t think I’ll help you because I’d think it was evil or something like that when I don’t even know what you want me to do then you’re an idiot Sesshomaru. I don’t judge people that way, and I don’t like being kept in the dark, so just tell me what you want.” Kagome told him, bracing herself for the eventual slamming against a tree for calling him an idiot.


Sesshomaru ground his teeth at being called an idiot. If he didn’t need her alive he would have killed her right then, unfortunately he did need her, and for some reason he didn’t think she would respond well to violence. Reining in his temper Sesshomaru forced himself to speak calmly.

“You will refrain from insulting This Sesshomaru human, or I will be forced to remove you from this earth. As for your assumptions I must admit that you have the right of it, much as it pains me. Now if you agree to help me I will tell you what it is I wish you to do, otherwise I will leave you here to explain to the half-breed why you are covered in my scent.” He told her, becoming calmer as he spoke.

His threat of leaving her to face Inuyasha on her own had the desired effect. He watched as she visibly flinched at the thought. He was fairly sure he could accurately picture the fight that would ensue and sympathized with the girl. His half brother after all, was not known for his ability to remain calm. However it bothered him that this girl, who had stood up to him multiple times, nearly defeated Naraku single-handedly twice, had literally faced death head on without backing down, and was wholly devoted to her friends, was afraid of his half brother. Shaking off his slightly disturbing thoughts, Sesshomaru turned his attention back towards the miko.

He was pleased to note that she seemed to be leaning in his favor, if her facial expressions were anything to go by.


Kagome struggled with herself. If she agreed to help Sesshomaru then she would be betraying Inuyasha. If she didn’t help him then she would have to deal with an irrational Inuyasha. Either choice landed her on the bad side of Inuyasha, but the first came with the added bonus of Sesshomaru’s protection. But could she really trust Sesshomaru? He had tried to kill her multiple times in the past after all. On the other hand, he had saved life multiple times as well. Actually, the number of times he had saved her life was starting to over-rule the number of times he’d tried to kill her. In fact, he was fast approaching saving her more times than Inuyasha ever had. He was almost always there when she needed help. She’d actually had an almost civil conversation with him three weeks ago. And Inuyasha…. wasn’t who she thought he was.

‘Hmph! Does that bastard think he can walk all over me for two years, break my heart, and then walk away guilt free?! I don’t think so! I’m gonna make him wish I’d never freed him from that stinkin tree!’

Kagome made her decision.


This is an older story of mine that I had forgotten about. I may or may not continue it. (I claim no rights to Inuyasha or anything affiliated with it.)

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